Horse ride at Te Kopahou


Many objections to horses on tracks and trails are unfounded. Native plants are generally safe from horses. Responsible horse riders usually actively discourage their horses from browsing while being ridden and are cautious about letting them eat anything they do not recognise. Horse riding and stock are usually compatible. Horse manure is only grass, and studies show that manure on trails does not spread weeds. Horses’ hooves are no more likely to spread weeds than walkers’ boots, cyclists’ wheels or vehicles.

There is no practical way to scoop up or remove manure while riding or leading a horse along a trail. However, riders should make every practical effort to ensure manure does not litter public areas, especially around parking areas.

  • Give way. If the trail is narrow, slow down when approaching other trail users and prepare to stop.
  • Allow faster traffic to pass and be courteous to slower traffic.
  • Don’t assume other trail users will know how to behave around a horse. 
  • Make sure you are allowed a dog with you before taking one with you when riding.
  • If you have a dog with you while riding, you must always keep it under close control.
  • Keep to marked trails if they are provided.
  • When paddocks or trails are soft, keep your speed down so you do not leave a muddy mess.
  • Take home your litter and clean up manure. Use bins if they are provided. Be particularly aware of manure in areas accessed by non-riders.
  • If you use a horse truck or float, please do not clean it out, making a mess of the parking area. If there are manure bins provided, use them. If not, take your manure home in a bin or dispose of it where it will not annoy others.
  • Avoid weed spread when visiting native reserves or parks. Clean out horses’ hooves and ensure hayseeds are not carried onboard your truck or float. Take only lucerne hay if requested.
  • Avoid sensitive historical, natural or archaeological areas.
  • Wear a standards-approved riding helmet whenever you ride.

The Bridleways Code (NZ Horse Network)