Find the hidden Christmas eggs on our new map and enter to win $50
Anana! We’ve refreshed our outdoor access maps to make them easier for you to use and share. And, because it is the holiday season, we have hidden 13 Christmas kiwi eggs* in our maps for you to find. If you find one, fill out the survey in the pop-up beside the egg and tell us the location of the hidden egg. We’ll put you in the draw for one of five $50 Bonfire gift cards. The more eggs you find, the more entries you have in the draw.
Here are some clues to get you started:
- Look for places with a relationship to Christmas. For instance, you might want to type 'bells' in the search box.
- Zoom in close. The eggs are hidden in the 1:18,000 scale on the map.
- When you find an egg, click on it, and then click on the link in the pop-up box to go in the draw to win.
- If you are stuck, read our cheatsheet. A link is at the end of the email.
Some of the other improvements we have made to our maps that you can see include:
- Google logins – this will let you log into the map system using your Google identity so you can save your work (drawings, labels, zoom location and so on), share it with your friends and family and come back to it at a future time.
- Pop-up changes — we simplified the language and information on all the map pop-ups, making it easier for first-time visitors to know what they are looking at. The different categories of public access – easements, marginal strips, legal roads and so on — all link through to plain language descriptions that explain people’s rights on that land.
- Symbology changes to boundaries, hunting, fishing, and all point symbols to make it easier to know what you are looking at.
- Topo 50 — we have made the popular and detailed Topo 50 map the default basemap.
- We have calibrated all our maps, ensuring a consistent look and feel.
Kia pai ngā hararei.
* Yes, we know eggs are for Easter, not Christmas. But hidden eggs for you to hunt out are for digital maps. Gamers will get it.