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The New Zealand Walking Access Commission made its social media debut last month, launching Facebook and Twitter accounts to stay connected with New Zealanders.
Chief Executive Mark Neeson said social media would allow people to stay up to date with the Commission's work and to participate in conversations about access.
“Through social media, the Commission can reach more New Zealanders with its messages about strengthening access culture and enhancing access opportunities, and communicate in a more timely fashion than would otherwise be possible."
Mr Neeson said the Commission would aim to build a community on Facebook and Twitter that is passionate about New Zealand's unique access culture and heritage.
Social media would also provide an ideal platform to give regular updates on the Commission's resources and tools, such as the Both Sides of the Fence website and Walking Access Mapping System.
The Commission's first month of social media featured the creation of 'Walkway Wednesday' – a regular item showcasing some of New Zealand's gazetted walkways, including highlights and the best means of accessing them.
Other posts included fact sheets to help refresh outdoor access knowledge for the coming summer, information about New Zealand Walking Access Commission Awards, and the release of the 2015 Top Outdoor Spot competition.
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