Walking Access Mapping System open for public use

People who love the outdoors can now find all publically accessible rivers, mountains, lakes, forests, beaches and legal roads thanks to a new online mapping system developed by the New Zealand Walking Access Commission.

The Walking Access Mapping System (WAMS), online at www.wams.org.nz, identifies public land across New Zealand. The Commission has today opened the system for public use following a testing period to gather user feedback.

Commission Chief Executive Mark Neeson said the free-to-use Walking Access Mapping System was a valuable resource, both for recreationalists and land owners.

“The benefits of the mapping system to groups like walkers, anglers and hunters are huge, but these maps are also vitally important for landholders. Detailed maps that inform the public about land that is and isn't publically accessible are essential if people are to know the extent and limits of their legal access.â€